Anatoly Stessel

Anatoly Mikhaylovich Stessel , last name also Germanized Stoessel or Stel was a Russian baron of German descent, military leader, and general responsible for the fall of Port Arthur to the Japanese on January 2, 1905.

Anatoly Stessel was born in 1848 as the son of Lieutenant General Baron Vinogradov Stessel. He graduated from the Pavel Military School in 1866. Stessel was a participant of the RussoTurkish War . He subsequently commanded the 16th Ladoga Infantry Regiment in 1897 and then from 1897 to 1899 the 44th Kamchatka Infantry Regiment. He was appointed to head the 3rd East Siberian Brigade and distinguished himself for his role in the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion, and was wounded in combat during the Battle of Tientsin. He was subsequently awarded the Order of St. George .

Source: Wikipedia